MVP Development

I develop MVP’s - Minimal Viable Products. An MVP is a basic version of a digital product or service that includes just enough features to be usable by early customers.

With an MVP, you can

  • Test whether customers actually find your digital service valuable;
  • Learn what works and what doesn’t;
  • Assess the feasibility of your ideas — you can never really know whether something is easy or valuable until you actually start creating it.

Most of all, MVP’s are a cost-saver:

  • You spend less at the start because you start with a simple version of your digital service;
  • Less to lose: if some parts of the service don’t work out, you’ll know before you invested too much;
  • Smart choices: you learn what customers want before you spend money.


I’m a long-time developer of web applications. I have been working in Python for over 15 years and have been creating web applications for over 10 years.

Technology evolves rapidly, and my focus is on simplicity and robustness. Therefore, my favorite web application stack is:

  • Django (but I’m also well versed in Flask) for the back-end
  • HTMX, Alpine.js and Unpoly for the front-end (and Vue for more complex front-ends)

For the technically inclined, here’s my Stack Overflow profile.

Sample projects

MVP’s are typically confidential and not publically available, but here are some public tools I created.

  • Kanochart: a tool to create, run and analyse Kano surveys. It’s been used by companies all over the world, from a Korean e-commerce player over an E&Y digital consultancy to LEGO.
  • DrFreezr: a lab fridge storage managament tool, for the Van Breusegem lab at VIB. I’m working on a more generic version for other labs.
  • I am also the technical co-founder and developer of an online assessment tool start-up that is going live in September 2024.
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